Lambda function runthrough
In this section, we will edit the Lambda function to return a different result.
But first, let’s go and look at the Lambda function.
- In Cloud9, open the api/hello-world/app.js file.
- Line 17 - exports.lambdaHandler function. This is the function that runs when it is triggered by the API request.
- The event parameter contains the event information passed by the caller. In this case, because the trigger is API Gateway request, it will contain items like header, body etc.
- The context parameter contains the information about the lambda function itself. For example, you can get the execution time of the Lambda function, CloudWatch log stream name etc.
- Line 32 - returns the response. In this case, because the request is from API Gateway, we will return a message with a HTTP 200 status and a message.
Now that we know the skeleton of the Lambda function, let’s go and change the return message.
- Go to api/hello-world/app.js file, change the return message from hello world to
hello serverless friends
, press Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on a Mac) to save the file.
- In the terminal tab, run
sam build
. This will build the serverless application to make it ready for deployment.
- Run
sam deploy
. This deploys the solution into your environment.
- Click the link in the output section and select Open from the dropdown menu. This will open a browser with the body {“message”:“hello serverless friends”}.